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Important! All courses require a down payment of $700 + $25 for TDLR registration. This enrollment form will only charge you for the down payment so you can get started. If you want to pay in full, please come to the schools office to make payment or select manual payment and follow instructions there.
Reminder total cost of courses are the following:
Cosmetology - $4500
Manicurist - $2000
Esthetician - $2500
Eyelash Extension - $1700
Manicurist + Esthetician - $4500
Enrollment Contract Form


Fill in the fields below to start the enrollment process

Select an item ($)

If you DO NOT have a social security number you can still enroll! Fill out this current form along with this form from TDLR. We will fill out the cosmetology school information. Once you're done, save it as a pdf and upload it here. We will have you sign it in person.

Upload File
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Thanks for your order!

Visit Us

Not sure yet if you want to come take the journey with us? Come to the school, call, or book a tour here! We will be happy to answer any questions you have!


919 W Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, Tx 76013

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:30 am – 8:00 pm





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